Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Date: 27 July 2012 (Friday)
Time: 14 20hr (Reporting Time) 
Attire: Smart No.4 (without badges)
Duty Officer: CPT (NCC) Chia Chun Teck
Duty Cadet Officer: C/2LT Hairul Afiq
Things to bring: Water bottle
Parts involved: A, B, C

14 20 - 14 45
Fall in

14 45 - 1500
First Parade

15 00 - 15 20
Uniform Check

15 20 - 16 45
Part A - Drills
Part B - Drills
Part C - Duties

16 45 - 18 00
Part A - Parade Selection
Part B - Parade Selection
Part C - Duties

18 00 - 18 20

18 20 - 18 30
Last Parade

1) All cadets are to hydrate themselves one day before training.
2) Performance is expected from cadets during training.
3) The "Question" and "Did you know?" sections are to be memorized by all cadets.

Question: When will the Fuhua National Day Parade 

be held on?

Answer: The Fuhua National Day Parade will be held 

on 8th August 2012, Wednesday.

Did you know: There is a recently established NCC 

Soccer Club for all Fuhua cadets that are interested.

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