Date: 14 November 2012 (Wednesday)
Time: 08 20hr (Reporting Time)
Attire: Smart No.4 (without badges)
Duty Officer: CPT (NCC) Chia Chun Teck
Duty Cadet Officer: C/2LT Hairul Afiq
Things to bring: Water bottle, Full PT Kit
Parts involved: A, B, C
08 20 - 08 45
Fall in
08 45 - 09 00
First Parade
09 00 - 09 25
Part A - Uniform Check
Part B - Uniform Check
Part C - Duties
09 25 - 10 45
Part A - Drills
Part B - Drills
Part C - Duties
10 45 - 11 50
Part A - PT
Part B - IFC
Part C - Duties
11 50 - 12 15
12 15 - 12 30
Last Parade
1) All cadets are to hydrate themselves one day before training.
2) Proper grooming is expected from ALL cadets.
3) All Cadets MUST bring along their FULL PT KIT and water bottle.